Program details:
Course/Program delivered:
Road Safety and Drug Education
Module delivered:
Addressing volatile substance use (VSU) in school communities - On Demand - Version: 2
Professional standards:
- AITSL Professional Standards for Teachers
Session presenter/s:
No Presenter/s defined for this Session
Delivery type:
Online - On Demand
Expected Duration:
30 minutes
Required equipment:
Session details:
This self-paced online course provides information about volatile substances and VSU and will assist staff to respond appropriately when concerns exist about the use of volatile substances by students in the school community.
Course Objectives:
This course will develop understanding of:
- what volatile substances are and the types of products in which they are found
- volatile substance use (VSU) and potential impacts
- best practice for provision of education and support to students
- reducing risks of harm to students who are using volatile substances
- the need for a targeted approach
- processes to follow to ensure appropriate responses and targeted support provision
- what makes a whole-of-community response to VSU
- how and where to access specialist external support when VSU is suspected or occurring in school communities