Program details:
Course/Program delivered:
Language and Literacy District Professional Learning
Module delivered:
Speech Sound Difficulties 2hr (on-demand) - Version: 1
Professional standards:
- AITSL Professional Standards for Teachers
- Competency Framework For Education Assistants (Special Needs)
Session presenter/s:
Delivery type:
Online - On Demand
Expected Duration:
120 minutes
Required equipment:
Session details:
Event & Access Details
This professional learning session is available to access from 8am on 1st of Jan 2022 until the end of 2022. Shortly after registering for the session participants will receive an e-ticket - click on the URL on this e-ticket to access the PL video, handouts and resources. To receive recognition of session attendance, participants need to complete a quick quiz once having completed the professional learning which can be found within the PL link.